game updates

We are back!

Hey there, it’s been a while. The development of TerminaCraft is back on track. For a very long time we were struggling with massive lag and other bugs. It turns out that doing the whole thing with data packs is extremely cumbersome and inefficient. I therefore decided to port the entirety of TerminaCraft’s code to Denizen. I have basically restarted from ground zero, which wasn’t an easy decision. The results so far however are amazing. My main focus now is to implement the features chronologically. I have started by implementing a file select menu, and getting the Zelda-style drops to work, with breakable pots and grass, which can even be thrown! Along with the drops I found an interesting video on how the loot tables in the original Majora’s Mask worked, so I decided to implement them in Denizen as well. While you could easily miss the effect that those loot tables have on the random drops, I really wanted to have them in TerminaCraft, to make this recreation as faithful to the original as possible.
Thanks to everyone who has been waiting patiently and encouraging me throughout this time.